Learn Pardot from Experts
Our team of Salesforce Pardot Marketing Champions are dedicated to teaching you everything about Salesforce Pardot and how to execute your Marketing Automation platform.
We bring all the Pardot learning and
content to you in one place
We find all the Pardot content around the internet from all the Pardot experts and serve it up to you for easy to consume and learn.
Find all the training you need — whether you’re just learning to use Pardot or you’re looking to delve deeper. Salesforce offers training on a wide range of marketing automation features, functionality, and best practices to help you get the most out of your platform.
Find all the training you need — whether you’re just learning to use Pardot or you’re looking to delve deeper. Salesforce offer training on a wide range of marketing automation features, functionality, and best practices to help you get the most out of your platform.
Get Started with Pardot
- Create an Account at Trailhead
Before you can take your first step on a Trailhead trail, module, or project, you first need to create an account. This is your home base for completing challenges, earning badges and tracking your progress. - Learn Pardot Lightning App Basics (and earn your first badge!)
This is the perfect module to kick-off your Pardot journey. This module will run you through the basics of Pardot as well as give you a great baseline knowledge. Plus, once you complete all three units in the module you’ll earn your first badge and elevate your Trailblazer rank to Hiker. - Click on each Trail/Module to learn Pardot!
- Pardot Lightning App Basics
- Automate Marketing to Businesses with Pardot Lightning App
- Pardot Email Marketing for Pardot Lightning App
- Pardot Engagement Studio for Pardot Lightning App
- Increase Engagement and Nurture Leads with Pardot Lightning App
- Pardot Salesforce Integration for Lightning App
- Pardot Lead Generation for Pardot Lightning App
- Pardot Scoring and Grading for Pardot Lightning App
- Prepare for your Pardot Specialist Credential
The Salesforce Pardot Specialist and Pardot Consultant credentials is designed for those who can demonstrate skills and knowledge in designing, building, and implementing marketing workflows through the Pardot platform. They are a way to test your knowledge and strengthen your resume.
The Salesforce Pardot Specialist and Pardot Consultant credentials is designed for those who can demonstrate skills and knowledge in designing, building, and implementing marketing workflows through the Pardot platform. They are a way to test your knowledge and strengthen your resume.
The Salesforce Certified Pardot Specialist credential is designed for individuals who would like to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in designing and building marketing campaigns within Pardot. The candidate would know how to build strategic marketing processes that incorporate different tools like email marketing, lead generation, lead qualification, and can use reports to make data-driven decisions.
About the Salesforce Pardot Specialist Credential
Audience Description: Salesforce Pardot Specialist
Purpose of this Exam Guide
About the Exam
Recommended Training and References
Exam Outline
Exam Candidate Code of Conduct
Maintaining Your Certification    Â
Trailhead Trailmix:Â Prepare for your Pardot Specialist Credential
The Salesforce Certified Pardot Consultant program is designed for individuals who have experience implementing the Pardot application and can explain Salesforce administration concepts that relate to Pardot features. The Salesforce Certified Pardot Consultant has experience with Pardot administration and configuration, and is able to successfully design and implement Pardot solutions that meet customer business requirements, are maintainable and scalable, and contribute to long-term customer success. This credential encompasses the breadth of the Pardot application and its integration on the Salesforce platform.
NOTE: The specialist certification is a prerequisite.
About the Salesforce Pardot Consultant Credential Â
Audience Description: Salesforce Pardot Consultant
Purpose of this Exam Guide
About the ExamÂ
Recommended Training and References  Â
Exam Outline
Exam Candidate Code of ConductÂ
Maintaining Your Certification  Â
Pardot Consultant Certification Resources
For whatever reason, there aren’t many good mock exams for the consultant exam. That said, there are flash cards available which will help test your knowledge.