Author Archives: Greenkey Digital

Sending your first email from Account Engagement (Pardot)

I often get this question from clients: “We plan to start sending emails in Account Engagement (Pardot). How can we make sure that…
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Adding Account Engagement (Pardot) Users with User Sync

Surprisingly, I get this question often from companies with user sync enabled: How do I add an Account Engagement (Pardot) user?
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Account Engaagement (Pardot) and Salesforce Integration

Imagine standing in front of a twenty-thousand-square-foot steel warehouse full of your company’s products. How will you sell your products to customers? The…
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Account Engagement (Pardot) Select Sync Behavior for the prospect Opted Out field

Did you see the new message on the Pardot Dashboard tab? Salesforce is changing the Opted Out field sync behavior.   You must choose…
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