Category Archives: Greenkey Digital

Adding Account Engagement (Pardot) Users with User Sync

Surprisingly, I get this question often from companies with user sync enabled: How do I add an Account Engagement (Pardot) user?
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Account Engaagement (Pardot) and Salesforce Integration

Imagine standing in front of a twenty-thousand-square-foot steel warehouse full of your company’s products. How will you sell your products to customers? The…
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Account Engagement (Pardot) Select Sync Behavior for the prospect Opted Out field

Did you see the new message on the Pardot Dashboard tab? Salesforce is changing the Opted Out field sync behavior.   You must choose…
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Creating Effective Account Engagement (Pardot) Completion Actions

Need a simple automation whenever a prospect takes action? Use a completion action! Completion actions are one of the foundational automation tools in…
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View Your Email Bounce Details With Ease

The Pardot Bounce Report lets marketers view all email bounces in one place, see the reason for the bounce and help spot bounce…
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When MCAE (Pardot) Cookies Prospects

Cookies are a big topic of discussion these days. Ever wonder when MCAE (Pardot) cookies your prospects?
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MCAE (Pardot) Email Builder Image Dimensions

When using the new Email Builder, you may struggle to find the correct image size for different column widths. Often, it’s a trial-by-error…
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Dynamic Lists to Clean Up Your Database

Lara Black inspired and contributed to this blog. Are you trying to keep your mailable limit down?   Marketers often find themselves creeping close…
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SYSTEM UPDATE: Check your Pardot Settings

Salesforce updated Pardot for security reasons. If you embed Pardot forms or other content in iframes, include JavaScript in that content, and serve this content over…
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Using Pardot’s Einstein Engagement Frequency (EEF)

Here’s a refreshing, new Pardot feature. Einstein Engagement Frequencey (EEF) helps you manage the frequency of your email engagement with prospects. It scans…
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