Category Archives: Unfettered Marketing

Opted Out vs Do Not Email

In Pardot it's definitely not the same thing...It seems so simple, doesn't it? Email Opt Out. Until you look at Pardot and see…
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Migrating from Pardot Salesforce Connector V1 to V2: What I Found

Pardot has finally made a migration path available for the Pardot to Salesforce Connector version 1 to version 2. The issue these days…
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The Pardot Resubscribe Prospect Gotcha

The long awaited "Allow Prospect to Resubscribe" feature in Pardot is a dream come true for many marketers that have prospects that frequently…
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How to keep the Pardot comments field tidy

The comments field in Pardot allows multiple submissions to accumulate, which is great if you have customers that have a tendency to keep…
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Using Gravity Forms with Pardot on a Multi-Select Field

Form Handlers are a really powerful tool in Pardot because they give you the option of using all kinds of other ways to…
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