How to report on first and most recent Pardot form completed in Salesforce

It’s easy to see in Salesforce when you need to know what Lead/Contact/Person Account’s first form completion was in Account Engagement (Pardot), and the date of that completion.

Unfortunately that same data about the LAST form completed is not as readily available. Here’s a way to solve that problem.

Step 1: Create a custom field on the Lead/Contact/Person Account object called “Last Form Completed”

Step 2: Create a custom date field on the Lead/Contact/Person Account object called “Date of Last Form Completed.”

Step 3: Create custom Prospect fields and call it “Last Form Completed” and “Date of Last Form Completed.” Make sure to select the field type of “Date.” For both custom fields in Pardot, select the sync criteria to defer to Account Engagement Values on sync, not Salesforce or Most Recently Updated.

Step 4: Move the fields on the Lead/Contact/Person Account page layout to a place where it makes sense. You could put it with the currently available fields for first form completion/conversion.

Step 5: Go to a form or form handler and in the Completion Actions, select “Change prospect custom field value,” then select the two custom fields you created. For the Date of Last Form Completed,” select “Submission Date” for the value.

Step 6: Test it! I included some screen grabs to demonstrate what it should look like. The fields will overwrite themselves with each new value, so the value in the field is the most recent form completed. You can do the same for Landing Pages, however that will require an Automation Rule to support the use case.

Pardot Geeks Blog Article

This Pardot article written by: Ben LaMothe

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Pardot Geeks Blog Article

This Pardot article written by: Ben LaMothe

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